2015 in the Rear View Mirror
"Don't let the process drain you. Don't let rules or money or the will of others push you so far down that you forget what you are here for. Remember why you started what you started all those years ago. You love what you love for a reason because it drives you. It makes you feel alive and that spirit is contagious, it's electrifying, it's the realest thing there is and the closest you're ever going to get to channeling angels or capturing the essence of a universe beyond it's lightning, it's fire, it's passion and truth. It's a kiss between two strangers that changes everything forever. Now go out and sing it from the rooftops my friend, my brother, my sister, my child. Light the sky with your words so loud and powerful that every last everyone joins hands and weeps tears of joy right along with you." - Dallas Clayton
This was a momentous year for our family and business. This was the year we jumped. Nate left the corporate world on his 34th birthday and we let go of 60 hour work weeks, commuting in rush hour traffic, weekends apart, and nearly single parenting.
We learned again why we are each other’s best partner. We are still learning that unique and somewhat mystifying balance of working like a crazy person and finding time to renew.
My heart swells with gratitude when I think of how many wonderful people we have been able to work with this year. You (yes, I am talking about you!) are our success. From those of you who have been with us from the start to all the new members of the Taylor’d Photography family, we say thank you. You have given us so much and we are humbled and honored to work with you.
I have a feeling that 2016 is going to be another great year, but 2015 will always remind me that some risks are worth taking.